Refrigerated Locker Adoption Growing Fast, parcel lockers

Southbank Place leading the way with Greener Delivery Solutions

The introduction of Groundfloor parcel lockers as a green and convenient amenity at the Melbourne residential building Southbank Place has proven to be an instant success. Located on Kavanagh street the building is home to over 1200 residents who have been using the parcel lockers in droves. Since the system was launched on the 25th of January, the smart parcel lockers have averaged over 60 parcels every day, had deliveries from all of the major courier companies, and recorded one day that received an incredible 102 deliveries.  

Due to the high volume of deliveries, it was previously difficult and time-consuming for the concierge team to accept deliveries on behalf of the residents and store them securely. The introduction of Groundfloor parcel lockers allows couriers to make deliveries swiftly and directly to parcel lockers. The parcel lockers have assisted with building security and saved the concierge team hours in accepting and storing deliveries, nullifying parcel theft and missed deliveries. 

The success of smart parcel lockers stems well beyond resident convenience, operational savings, and parcel security. A recent research study by the University of Melbourne found that 57% of all parcel deliveries fail in an apartment complex without a smart parcel locker system. The study found that failed deliveries were reduced to 0% for an apartment complex with a parcel locker system. The term “failed delivery” refers to a parcel that is returned to the base or an alternate collection point such as a Post Office. The Melbourne University research concluded that failed deliveries account for approximately 89,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year in the Melbourne metropolitan area alone. 

With a Groundfloor parcel locker, each delivery has a unique digital signature.  a courier has the ‘authority to leave’ a parcel in the parcel lockers signifying the end of the “sorry we missed you” card, and eliminating the inconvenience of parcel collection from the local post office. Moreover, the parcel lockers also allow for 24/7 collection, empowering residents to truly collect at their leisure. 

The installation of Groundfloor parcel lockers at Southbank Place has been a resounding success. The system has saved the concierge hours of parcel management and has improved the convenience for the residents, while the building plays its part in reducing the environmental impact of last-mile delivery. Southbank Place and Groundfloor parcel lockers have set the standard when it comes to a green and convenient amenity. 

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